li, Shancang

Securing the internet of things / Shancang Li , Li Da Xu ; Colaborador Imed Romdhani. - Cambridge : Elsevier, 2017. - 144 páginas.

1. Introduction: securing the Internet of Things. -- 2. Security architecture in the Internet of Things. -- 3. Security and vulnerability in the Internet of Things. -- 4. IoT node authentication. -- 5. Security requirements in IoT architecture. --
6. Security in enabling technologies. -- 7. Existing security scheme for IoT. -- 8. Security concerns in social IoT. -- 9. Confidentiality and security for IoT based healthcare.

Securing the Internet of Things provides network and cybersecurity researchers and practitioners with both the theoretical and practical knowledge they need to know regarding security in the Internet of Things (IoT).


Internet de las cosas--IoT
Redes de computación--Seguridad
Seguridad informática

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